You know that instruction on the airline safety video, about putting your own oxygen mask on first? It's actually a design for living.
A mentor once told me that the only way to be available to help other people is to be rested. I thought this was criticism of my overbooked lifestyle, but her words stayed with me. Even as I pared down my life to a simpler state, I often found myself staying up too late. Sacrificing sleep so I didn't "miss out" on anything. Rushing around to get "extra" things done.
When I am in balance with my meditation and exercise and life, I know it's not possible to miss a thing or fail to get something done. I'm still here, aren't I?
More deeply, however, it became easier to see how rushing, being tired, or feeling deprived in any way keeps me from being available to other people. When I'm missing sleep or a meal or connection with others, I can't give wholly because there's a part of me that's worried about getting what's mine.
And so, in the interest of being more present, my practice today is to rest deeply – my biggest challenge, I rarely skip a meal or a phone call! – so that I can be available to put the oxygen mask on others.
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