Monday, October 14, 2013


I got angry with someone and was so nasty I felt badly about it hours later. I called my sister for an opinion on the apology I was working on and she stopped me and said, "You're not apologizing. You're saying you feel badly about how you were getting along, that's not taking responsibility for you being a total bitch."

Gotta love a sister.

She'll tell it to you like no one. And the fact is, she's right.

There is nothing worse than being on the receiving end of a tepid apology. The kind that says, if you weren't so awful, I wouldn't be either.

Thanks to her I was able to do what you're supposed to do in an apology, which is not ever about making excuses for your behavior. I simply named what I did wrong and apologized for it. I'm glad I did it because I don't feel badly anymore, but that doesn't change how much I hate giving them out. I wish I could live a life where I never have to say I'm sorry, but that's for the movies, yo. I have to say I'm sorry whenever I have a lingering bad feeling, because I can't afford to be afraid to run into people.

Today's practice was all about twists. Your twists get at the root of forgiveness. xo

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