Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Meditation with a Master

I can't say enough how powerful it was to meditate with Joan Suval at the Ananda Ashram this past weekend. Don't miss the opportunity she brings to the city every month!

Joan Suval conducts evening programs in New York City at 7:30pm on the 1st Wednesday of every month. The sessions include readings from the works of Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati and other great masters. In a peaceful and meditative setting, Vedantic teachings are explored and explained, emphasizing the importance of effortless witnessing and the need for daily application.

Programs are by donation.

Location: The ARCH Space
66 West 39th Street betw. 5th & 6th Ave. (closer to 6th Ave.), 3rd floor
phone 212.924.0718

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